216 GDS Helpsheet - AdvDCS v2 User Interface

216 GDS Helpsheet - AdvDCS v2 User Interface



AdvDCS v2 User Interface


This Helpsheet show the new GDSLAB graphical user interface for devices using the AdvDCS v2 (Calamari) Driver

The AdvDCS v2 - Advanced Dynamic Control System was introduced in 2018 to replace the older DCS control unit on the new Dynamic Simple Shear (EMDCSS) and Dynamic Triaxial systems. Working together with a new iteration of motor drives the AdvDCS v2 provides more control and logging options for dynamic tests and is shipped with Adaptive Control by default, eliminating the need for sample stiffness estimation.

Please note that options enabled are system dependant and some of them may only be accessible on specific GDS equipment




The Transducer Window

The transducer window can be accessed by clicking on the transducer eye icon in the GDSLab object display or clicking on the digital image of AdvDCS v2 unit and clicking on the “Advanced” button after selecting a transducer.

Please note that each channel on AdvDCS v2 unit has a configurable gain value according to the type of transducer that will be connected. The transducers plug into the GDS AdvDCS v2 unit using Lemo connectors, which are individually colour coded. Pic below shows the transducer sockets on the AdvDCS v2 unit.



Transducer General tab:

The transducer General tab can be used to

  1. Apply or remove transducer offset readings,

  2. Select the number of decimal places

  3. Apply minimum and maximum limits for safety, and

  4. Select the real-time graph during dynamic loading.

Transducer Graph:

Shown below the General and Set Target tab, the graph shows a history of the transducer value over time. The three button on the top right of the graph allow to change the graph duration, save the displayed data and clear the graph.




Transducer Set Target tab:

If the transducer can be controlled, this tab allows to set manual targets. Selecting “Hold” will stop the axis associated with the transducer.

Set the targeting rate in the bottom box.



Transducer Calibration tab:

The transducer calibration displays the calibration currently applied to the selected transducer. To change, modify or update the calibration click on “Change/Modify Calibration”. Alternatively, it is possible to modify manually the parameters of the calibration.

The sensitivity value for a new transducer shipped should be calculated from the calibration certificate and entered in the Sensitivity window. Please consult GDS Helpsheet Transducers - Calculating sensitivity and full scale output for calculating the sensitivity of transducers.




If a spare transducer is supplied by GDS with the AdvDCS v2 unit, the calibration values will be already saved in the AdvDCS v2 unit. The calibration values between the two transducers can by changed by clicking on the “Change/Modify Calibration” option and selecting the appropriate calibration file.

From this window it is possible to select an alternative calibration or to modify an existing one. In order to re-calibrate a transducer or calibrate a new transducer, click on the “Calibration Wizard” button. Please refer to the following helpsheet for instructions on how to use the Calibration Wizard: 214 GDS Helpsheet - Change, update or create transducer calibrations in AdvDCS V2-based systems





AdvDCS v2 Device Interface

The Device Overview

The Device Overview can be opened by clicking on the device image in the Object/Hardware Display window.


The Channels Tab lists all of the transducers connected to a AdvDCS v2 unit, showing their current readings, and allowing the User to apply/remove offsets.

Real Time Graphs can also be enabled here for each channel, by ticking the RT Graph checkbox.







The Waveforms Tab allows the user to select the type of waveform needed for their dynamic cyclic tests. The AdvDCS v2 unit is pre-programmed with a sinusoidal waveform with a Custom waveforms upgrade.

Please refer to 225 GDS Helpsheet - Custom Waveforms in AdvDCS V2 devices for instructions on how to use, add or modify custom waveforms.



Sine wave is the default waveform in AdvDCS v2 unit. To select a custom waveform, click on the Custom Waveform check box, then click on the Waveform Manger tab and select the desired Custom Waveform. AdvDCS v2 gives an option to store up to 8 Custom Waveforms at one time, each composed of maximum 16000 points.

For more information on creating a custom waveform, please refer to Helpsheet 196 – Custom Waveforms for Unity Devices.






The Docking Tab allows the User to position the machine by pressing the Extend/ Retract button prior to the test. This can be done by moving at a constant rate unlit the Hold button is pressed. When the 'Maintain load after docking' option is enabled, the machine will stop after the target load is reached. This will disable the Extend button until the Set Undocked button is pressed.

To find the travel limit of the machine on both sides of the current position, the machine should be allowed to travel to its maximum and minimum limits without a sample inside the cell. Rebooting the device will set these travel limits to Unknown (as shown in the pic on the right side)

Please note that the Extension/Retraction rate can be modified using the Speed (mm/s) option in the window, however, the machine will not move faster than maximal speed pre-defined by GDS.



Dynamic Stages

This tab gives various options related to dynamic stages.

Real Time Graphs

  1. Show Graphs - Generates real time graphs for all transducers which have this option enabled.

  2. Graph Length (sec) - The graph length (in seconds) can be changed.

  3. Real Time Graphs Position - Saves the window position in case the user wants to restore the size and position of real time graphs when GDSLab reopens.

  4. Launch Realtime Graphs - Launches the real time graphs selected.



XY Graphs

Gives option to add / remove XY Graphs launched during the dynamic test.

The duration of graph (in seconds) and sample time (rate at which data is plotted, in ms) can be changed.




Lead in / Lead out

This panel enables setting custom lead in and lead out for dynamic trajectories.

Lead in duration indicates the time it takes the dynamic stage to reach full amplitude after the start of the trajectory. Lead out duration indicates the time before the end of the trajectory when the amplitude starts to reduce.

Magnitude % indicates the percentage of nominal amplitude at the start (lead in) and at the end (lead out) of the trajectory.

The image on the bottom right shows a dynamic stage with 1 mm amplitude where the following settings have been used:

  • Lead in duration: 10 seconds

  • Lead in magnitude: 20%

  • Lead out duration: 5 seconds

  • Lead out magnitude: 80%



Cycle Data Plan

The Cycle Data Plan tab gives an extra option to select a Cycle plan which allows the user to set a series of "on" "off" data saving when running dynamic tests.

A Cycle Data Plan file (*.cyc) is a Comma Separated Value file where the first column indicate the cycle when to start recording data, and the second column indicates the cycle when to stop. Each line in the file will represent a new cycle interval.

For example, if we wish to start data recording from stage 1 and end at stage 9, we would write the first line as “1”,”9”. If we then want to resume data recording at stage 11 and end at stage 19, we would write the second line as “11”,”19”. The example .cyc file can be downloaded from here:





The System Log saves all of the information about the system such as requested dynamic trajectories, errors and fault messages. The log window is useful for diagnosing issues with the machine. When contacting GSD support for any issues, please provide the messages shown in the log.




Transducer Graph

The Transducer Graph tab shows the real time graphs of the transducers selected from the ‘select channel’ drop down menu. It also gives options to save data to file, save image to file, copy image to clipboard and show histogram and FFT.




The advanced tab is used to

  1. Load a configuration file provided by GDS engineers

  2. Override errors for devices detached from Sigma3 dynamic pressure controllers

  3. Manually select an alternative control tuning


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