What are the membrane correction and side drain correction in GDSLab?

What are the membrane correction and side drain correction in GDSLab?

GDSLab will apply the membrane and side drain corrections using British Standard (BS) when B1377 is selected in the Sample details (see Fig. 1). For ASTM calculations, select ASTM_Triaxial from the drop-down list.

1. Membrane Correction

1.1.  British Standard

A membrane correction when selected in the Specimen Details in GDSLab (Fig. 1) applies restraining effect of the membrane.

Figure 1 – Entering Specimen Details in GDSLab

The curve in Fig. 2 gives the membrane correction σmb (kN/m2 or kPa) applied to a specimen initially 38mm diameter enclosed in a membrane 0.2 mm thick. For other conditions, GDSLab multiplies the correction obtained from Fig. 2 by:

(38/Do) x (tm/0.2)

to give the value of  σmb to be used,


Do is the initial specimen diameter, mm and

tm is the total thickness of membrane (which may consist of more than one layer), mm

Figure 2 – Membrane Correction

1.2. ASTM Standard

σmb = (4Emtmε)/Dc


Dc is the diameter of specimen after consolidation, mm

Em is the Young’s modulus for the membrane material, kPa (refer to ASTM D4767 for calculating Em), and

ε is the axial strain (decimal form)

2. Side Drain Correction

2.1. British Standard

The side drain correction (σdr, kPa) is applied when selected in the specimen details in GDSLab (Fig. 1). Please refer to Table 1 for the side drain correction in GDSLab.

 Table 1: Corrections for Side Drains

2.2. ASTM Standard

  • For values of axial strain above 2%, the following equation is used to compute the correction:

σdr = KfpPfp/Ac


Kfp is the load carried by filter-paper strips per unit length of perimeter covered by filter-paper, kN/mm (For filter-paper generally used in triaxial testing, Kfp is approximately 0.00019 kN/mm)

Pfp is the perimeter covered by filter-paper, mm

  • For values of axial strain below 2%, the following equation is used to compute the correction:

σdr = 50εKfpPfp/ Ac


50 is the limiting axial strain decimal format, and

ε is the axial strain (decimal form) for the given axial load


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