A calibrated source that measures the same parameter as the transducer is required for re-calibration to be conducted.
Calibrating a pore pressure transducer using
Connect the pore pressure transducer and set the sensitivity value to 1 and change the units to mV.
Unsure of “Transducer Full Scale”? Start with 10000mV, then apply the maximum pressure possible to the transducer. The value output by the transducer at its maximum pressure is its full-scale output.
Connect the pore pressure transducer to a calibrated pressure source and set the pressure to 0. Note the reading in mV.
These increments depend on the pressure rating of the transducer but an example for a 1Mpa transducer would be 0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000. Note the reading in mV for each of these pressures.
Once at 1000kPa, you will have to repeat the increments until reaching 0 again to measure hysteresis (900,800,700,600,500,400,300,200,100,0 and note the mV reading for each pressure)
Plot this information and the gradient of this graph is your new sensitivity value. Applied pressure vs mV measured (this is your sensitivity as the units for this is kPa/mV).
Please refer to Helpsheet 142 - Entering transducer calibration data
Pressure controllers: using our FieldCal software tool to re-calibrate a controller